Access to new/updated classes & office hours monthly!
Milk this for what it's worth!
🖤 Access my library of classes on-demand 24/7! 🖤
- 2 new / updated classes on-demand & slides every month
- Office hours to work on passion projects or get advice
"Holy Cow! - Intro to Hucow Play" is live NOW & "Switchinatrix: Harnessing Your Power as a Switch" will be dropping on 1/29.
The goal with this Patreon is to make my library of education available to you 24/7 on demand & accessible in the modern era.
In addition, office hours are an incubator for future educators & organizers empowering them with a space to learn, ask, & grow about their passions & projects.
Tiers Include:
🥛 Calf - Slides & Workshops
🐮 Heifer - Office Hours, Slides & Workshops
🐄 Cow - Patreonage, Office Hours, Slides & Workshops & additional features TBD
Access starts at $5 /month, $10 includes office hours, $25 you're generously helping fuel additional time to focus on writing new materials & helping other community leaders.
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